The little chamber organ was built by George England in 1770 but was, interestingly, not installed until 1957.  However, an organ is recorded in the Cheke chapel in 1849. Previously an orchestral group must have provided the music as the church purchased cello strings in 1843 and in 1845 a new clarinet for six shillings. Miss Hollis, the school headmistress, until 1909, was church organist for many years and up until the Sunday before she died.

Avice Mariner (French) recalls the challenge of playing the organ at Mottistone in the 1950s:

I had to pump with one foot and play at the same time. This took some getting used to, as concentration was required for both hands and foot. Later, the organ was made electric which made playing easier. I used to struggle through services and disliked playing for weddings and funerals. I remember one of the services was recorded on the radio, but someone else was invited to play for this!

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